run along now, i have no cool hobbies. there's nothing interesting about me. i just thought it would be cool and fun to have a website
Welcome to vljcrjg...
Hello. This is my website.
I recommend zooming in if you have a big monitor.
My #1 goal is to make this website look horrible on phones. Fuck phones!
There isn't anything here but that'll change soon.
Click this link... If you dare...I've written a few HTML documents in my day.
You'll never see them.
Unless it's me reading this.
I tried making a github site.
I couldn't figure that out.
I like this font. It's so bad but I like it.
It's pretty sweet.
It looks like actual handwriting.
Bad handwriting.
I don't understand why people don't like it.
You are the...
viewer of this awesomely awesome website.
I love those little counter things.
They let me know how many times I've refreshed to see how the site looks after I changed something.
I've run out of things to type so...
Here's Garfield smoking a blunt.